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Chapter 24: A Small Concert On A Rainy Day

It's a short chapter. I got a little bit of time so I will release another chapter tomorrow. ---------------------- A few days after that, Just-kun brought me home almost every day. It seems that I have never hesitated to wonder whether was he truly remembered the way from the hotel to my house. In the morning he does the assignment at my father's laboratory and in the afternoon, he will come to see me for no special reason. Both of us just walking around the city and talking about various things. For me who speaks unilaterally, Just-kun me does show any nasty face and he will keep accompany me. TL: For those who wonder, unilaterally means one-sidedly. School ends in the morning because of summer vacation is near. I am looking forward to seeing him every day. I did not talk about the matter with Natta last week and I did not talk about Just-kun being careful though, but the story never ends as I can excavate conversation from nothing. One day
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Chapter 23: Novel [Dark Green Saint]

I decided to change Slave Engagement to Slave Contract since it is written as Slave Engagement in katakana but the kanji word can bring meaning similar to a slave contract. ------------------------ Closing the book that I finished reading and my eyes. ...... U~tsu. Poro~tsu. Uu. Poroporo~tsu.   [ ぽろぽろっ ] [TL: in large drops] "He... He was a great guy." Tears does not stop dropping. Tanya lent me a novel with the title of "Dark Green Saint".   [ 深緑の聖女 ] A true story based on what actually happened, a young girl Soreil whom the bright arts power was born during the war when she struggling hard to fight to protect the loved ones. Soreil who realized her own power was puzzled at first by being natural bright arts user. But as a result of the war, she began to face herself and finally by her own will she decided to fight to protect her born country. I have only read about half of it, but it is very interesting. In parti

Chapter 22: Library

Hello, it's been a hectic week for me. I should completed this chapter about a week ago. I am really grateful if any of you can point out any mistake or the correct translation for the kanji term. Thanks. -------------------------- After having finished eating the lunch, I decided to stay in the library a little bit more. I’m scared of Emma, but she seems to be busy with work of the committee from which she does turn her eyes. Returning to the classroom will only create an awkward atmosphere, it is also vain to walk around the streets. Let’s read books to kill time. Especially because there no books that I want read, I lightly look around the bookshelf. Then, an interesting title was seen in the eyes. [Saint Girl Primavera] One of the five heroes who ended the magic disturbance. Bright artist user who is believed to have the same peach blond hair as me. I lightly try to read oblique sentences in the prologue [Primavera, along with the Gre